Alisha is the Curator for the Museum of Rexburg at the City. She has been with us since 2016. Alisha has been instrumental in her role of documenting the story of the Teton Dam Flood and of the overall history of Rexburg. With the museum out of a physical space, her goal is to make history explorable within the community and for the community.

Location & Hours
The Museum of Rexburg opened in the Rexburg Tabernacle Civic Center in 1981. In 2023, repairs to reimagine the use of the Tabernacle for the community began and the museum closed to the public. It is currently serving the community in various forms. Contact the museum staff for how you can experience the museum during it's tentative closure. We look forward to new experiences with our history in the future.
Contact Museum Staff
Museum of Rexburg
Home of the Teton Flood Exhibit
We are currently closed due to the Tabernacle undergoing intense repairs and renovations the next few years. The museum will be moving to a new location in the future due to these repairs. Watch our social media pages and website for more information. Please at email the museum with any questions.
Experience History
The Museum of Rexburg houses a collection of artifacts from Rexburg and surrounding areas as well as an exhibit about the Teton Dam and the effects of its collapse on June 5, 1976. The Rexburg Tabernacle was heavily damaged and had to undergo major renovations. In 1981 the Museum of Rexburg was established in the basement of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle will again be going under major renovations and the museum will be moving to a new location which has not yet been determined.