About the Rexburg Police Department
The Rexburg Police Department meets all requirements and has received accreditation by the Idaho Chiefs of Police Association. We are dedicated to being a highly professional public safety agency. We are committed to maintaining and safeguarding each individual’s rights, liberties and personal safety and at the same time working with the community to improve our great city.
We seek to be a force for positive change. We believe that we are responsible for the cost effective use of our community resources and that by embracing the values of professionalism, dedication, pride, honor, courage, compassion and integrity; we remain committed to keeping the public trust.
We recognize that our employees and our relationship with the citizens of this community are our most treasured assets and the cornerstone of our department’s success.
It is the mission of the Rexburg Police Department to enhance the quality of life in the City of Rexburg by working with the community.
We support the U.S. and Idaho Constitutions in equally enforcing the law, preserving the peace, and reducing fear by providing a safe community and environment for our citizens and visitors.
The Rexburg Police Department is committed to: Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Honor, and Compassion.
Rexburg is located in Madison County with approximately 40,000 residents. The Rexburg Police Department has 36 full-time officers, 3 part-time reserve officers, and 12 civilian employees. The department has four divisions; “Administration, Patrol, Investigations, and Community Policing”, with each being overseen by a Lieutenant under the direction of the Chief of Police and an Assistant Chief.
The Rexburg Police Department is responsible for all law enforcement services within the corporate limits of the City of Rexburg, including the Brigham Young University-Idaho campus.