Garbage & Recycling
Getting Started
The City Utility Clerk coordinates sanitation services provided by the City of Rexburg Sanitation Department.
To start or stop a city service or make changes to your city service, please call (208) 372-2342 between the hours of 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday or 7:30 am - 12:30 pm on Fridays. See Utility Rates for more information on services and pricing. Contact Kristina Rawson at (208)-359-3020 ext.2342 for additional questions.
Please be sure to see our Trash Pickup Rules posted below for information about what can and can NOT be placed in your bin.
Find Your Trash Pickup Day
To find your trash pickup day, use our Interactive Trash Pickup Map!
If your garbage day falls on a holiday, your trash will be delayed to the next day. Only the day of the holiday will be delayed. All other days of the week, will be picked up on the regular schedule.
Trash can be picked up weekly, or bi-weekly (every other week). Recycling is always picked up bi-weekly. If your trash is bi-weekly, it shares the same pickup date as recycling. Use this bi-weekly trash pickup schedule (AKA the Green Pickup schedule) to stay on track of bi-weekly trash pickups.

The recycling provider for the City of Rexburg observes the following federal holidays.
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
New Years Day
If your recycle day falls on one of these holidays, recycle may be delayed 1 day that week after the holiday i.e. Thanksgiving Day recycle may be emptied on Friday, and Friday's pick up may be on Saturday.
Rexburg Recycles! Here's the Rules:
Do not bag recycled materials.
Accepted Recycling materials include:
Mixed Paper Products: Newspapers, Magazines, Phone Books, Catalogs, Cardboard Boxes, Cereal Boxes, Frozen Food Boxes(must be rinsed of contents), Paper Towel Cores, Office Paper, Note Pads, Index Cards, Coated Paper, Brochures, Envelopes, Manila Folders, Junk Mail, etc.
Plastics: All plastic beverage and household cleaner containers #1 and #2 only (must be rinsed of contents)
Tin and Aluminum Cans (must be rinsed of contents)
Items that Can Not be recycled:
Glass, Plastic Bags, Plastic not mentioned above, Medical Waste, Food Waste, Packaging Materials (peanuts, bubble wrap, Styrofoam).
Any non-recyclable material that is placed in the bin will void the entire load and it will all be sent to the landfill instead of sorted for recycling.
Do This, Not That: Rexburg Recycles

Just One Piece of Trash: Rexburg Recycles
How can just one piece of trash affect all of our recycling efforts? Check this video and find out. Help us keep Rexburg...and planet earth...clean!
The Madison County Transfer Station
Many of the larger items can be taken to the Madison County transfer station which is located at 530 Airport Rd. The transfer station will accept washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, water heaters, old tires, auto batteries, and similar items at minimal costs. Yard wastes, dead animals, construction material, and similar large wastes can be taken to the Madison County Construction/Demolition site located west of the city by the Menan Buttes. Contact the county waste transfer station for exact costs and other questions at 356-3102.
Twice a year, they host Haz-Waste days, where chemicals, and hazardous waste products, along with other traditional transfer station waste can be dropped off free of charge. These events usually happen on one weekend in May and one in September. We will share information about those events on our calendar and social media feeds when they are coming up.